Reminder V1.1 Rel 073 08/Apr/96 Conceived and written by Matro, Rome (Italy) Thanks to all Reminder supporters! Time has come, the modifies since the first public release (064, about February 1996) are enough, so the upgrade of the minor version number was required! :) To all who asked me an italian language version: I'm thinking about it, but I wish to have a good return from the world first; thanks! Upgrades can be found here: ... and now Reminder is available from SimTel and WinSite also!! 8-D Email can be sent here: This program is SHAREWARE; registration requires L.30000; more informations in the help file. There's NO timing on the shareware version, just some limitation. Reminder requires Windows 3.x or Win95 and has a Win95 design style! VBRUN300.DLL is required, along with at least 1Mb of free hard disk space. Reminder has ALL the files needed to run, except for VBRUN300.DLL; to uninstall it, just delete its folder. It's up to you to move or delete the required libraries and custom controls from Reminder folder. Now, an introduction follows; jump it and go down if you're an italian: there's an italian version also! :) INTRODUCTION ---------------------- Reminder serves to all the forgetful poeple like me: how much little sheets of paper do you have scattered near to the computer? Especially who travels among BBS and InterNet has notes often (even written on a Post-It) with messages of the type" 3456789 BBS- CDROM [utility]" or "[]/pub [files] for Win"! That's it, Reminder serves for write on the flight these notes, and then look at them with calm and perform, that is go really to visit that site, that BBS, etc. Reminder has obviously more capabilities, seen that you don't write on a sheet but on a PC, you then could divide the notes for categories, insert who has suggested the pin, allot the thing a level of precedence and you in phase of reading could order them in base to the date/ hour of writing, to the precedence, or select them in base to this last one or to the type of service: I want all the notes about pressing FTP (precedence 2, where it go from 1- very pressing- to 4- do it if you want! -) .The pins are denominated actions that, once bends, they will go in the storyboard through the Delete button, that in the actual view function as a basket. Look that in the storyboard view the key instead blanks all the selected action! The more important addresses can instead be saved in the Addresses book on a hierarchical structure: you can decide the organization of the addresses like you want. I have chosen to put the type of InterNet service in the Services (FTP, WEB, etc.) and the category of interest (InterNet, Sport, Music, etc.) as the head of each branch of the structure. Once connected to InterNet, you will do create Reminder a HTML page, and load it from a Web browser, containing all the actions inserted, ready to be elaborated by a simple click! With the function` Synchronize' you'll be able to manage your actions on two different PCs (for example at home and at work), and maintain your locked and coherent data always on both the PCs. Specific informations could be found in the help file; read the WHATS.NEW file for informations on the last program modifications; you can report me contingent hints or bugs through an email to, and contingent adjournments could be withdrawed directly from the web page F.Martire/reminder.htm. INTRODUZIONE ---------------------- Reminder serve a tutti gli smemorati come me: quanti foglietti di carta avete sparsi vicino al computer? Specie chi viaggia tra BBS e InterNet, ha spesso appunti (magari scritti su un Post-It) con messaggi del tipo "3456789 BBS - utility CDROM" oppure " /pub files per Win!"... ecco, Reminder serve per scrivere al volo questi appunti, per poi rivederseli con calma ed eseguirli, cioč andare effettivamente a visitare quel sito, quella BBS, ecc. Reminder ha ovviamente qualche possibilita' in piu', visto che dopotutto non scrivete su un foglietto ma su un PC, quindi potete dividere gli appunti per categorie, inserire chi vi ha suggerito l'appunto, assegnare alla cosa un livello di priorita' ed in fase di lettura potete ordinarli in base alla data/ora di scrittura, alla priorita', o selezionarli in base a quest'ultima o al tipo di servizio: voglio tutti gli appunti riguardanti FTP urgenti (priorita' 2, dove essa va' da 1 - molto urgente - a 4 - fallo se ti va' - ).Gli appunti vengono denominati azioni che, una volta svolte, andranno a finire nello storyboard tramite l'apposito Delete, che quindi nell'actual view funge da cestino. Occhio che nello storyboard view il tasto invece cancella del tutto l'azione selezionata! Gli indirizzi piu' importanti potete invece salvarli nel book (addresses view) che ha una struttura gerarchica: potete decidere l'impostazione degli indirizzi come volete... io ho scelto di mettere nei Services il tipo di servizio InterNet (FTP, WEB, ecc.) e a capo di ogni ramo della struttura la categoria di interesse (InterNet, Sport, Musica, ecc.). Una volta collegati ad InterNet, potrete far creare a Reminder una pagina HTML, da caricare tramite un Web browser, contenente tutte le azioni da voi inserite, pronte per essere elaborate con un semplice click! Con la funzione 'Synchronize' potrete invece gestire le vostre azioni su due PC differenti (ad esempio a casa e a lavoro), e mantenere sempre i vostri dati sincronizzati e coerenti su entrambe le postazioni. Informazioni specifiche le potete trovare nel file di help; leggete il file WHATS.NEW per informazioni sulle ultime modifiche apportate al programma; eventuali suggerimenti o bug potrete comunicarmeli tramite email all'indirizzo, ed eventuali aggiornamenti potete prelevarli direttamente dalla pagina web MATRO